Monday, February 11, 2008

MoveOn makes a funny video


If you liked the "Yes We Can" video that we sent around last week, you should check out this new video that popped up on YouTube this morning. It's a humorous parody of "Yes We Can"—but about John McCain and how he'd continue Bush's disastrous Iraq policies.

It's only been up a couple hours, and already thousands of people have viewed it. If you think it's funny, please pass it on. If enough of us do, we can make it rise to the top of the YouTube rankings so even more people see it. Here's the video:

There is some mild profanity at one point in the video. We want you to know, in case you don't want to watch. The reason we're sending this video to you is because it does a good job holding McCain accountable for his consistent war-mongering, and shows quite clearly how out-of-touch with the American people he is on the issue of Iraq.

Here's the link to the video:


–Adam G.

P.S. You may also want to send your friends last week's "Yes We Can" video, which this new video is based on. It was made independently by Bob Dylan's son, director Jesse Dylan, and musician of the Black Eyed Peas. That video is here:

Direct link:

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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