Thursday, April 24, 2008

support fair pay

Dear Friend,

Support the Fair Pay Act Senate Republicans have done it again.

Yesterday, they blocked a vote on the Fair Pay Restoration Act, an important bill that would protect millions of Americans from pay discrimination based on race, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability.

This legislation corrects last May's Supreme Court ruling in the Lilly Ledbetter case, which requires victims of pay discrimination to file suit within 180 days of the initial pay-setting decision, or else they cannot be awarded compensation. This requirement is unfair, since workers often do not know how their pay compares to that of their colleagues.

Workers shouldn't have to be mind-readers to protect themselves from discrimination. Those who suffer from pay discrimination shouldn't run out of time to file a claim for back pay simply because the employer initially managed to hide its illegal behavior.

We fell just three votes short yesterday of overcoming the Republicans' filibuster and reforming this unfair system. Help us get past Republicans' obstructionism and hold employers accountable for pay discrimination -- sign the petition supporting the Fair Pay Restoration Act:

This legislation is named for Lilly Ledbetter, a former supervisor at a Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plant in Gadsden, Alabama. For nearly two decades Ms. Ledbetter worked hard, while putting up with taunting and teasing from her male co-workers.

But during that time Goodyear was using discriminatory evaluations to pay her less than her male colleagues doing the same work. When Ms. Ledbetter finally discovered the discrimination and filed suit, she was awarded full back pay by a jury.

The Supreme Court, however -- in a 5-4 ruling -- reversed the decision and imposed the unfair deadline. This ruling overturned decades of precedent, and it upset our nation's shared sense of what is fair and right.

For years, Lilly Ledbetter had no idea her pay was less than that of her male colleagues because Goodyear kept its salary information confidential. The discrimination continued with every paycheck she received.

Now Republicans are holding up legislation that would protect workers like Lilly Ledbetter by allowing them to file suit up to 180 days after their most recent discriminatory paycheck -- a change that will hold employers accountable for their discriminatory practices and restore fairness to the workplace for millions of Americans.

Please show your support for the Fair Pay Restoration Act:

The Fair Pay Restoration Act uses the language from the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991, which corrected a similar problem of discrimination in seniority.

It upholds a long tradition of laws dedicated to ending unfair discrimination by employers.

But these laws will be meaningless unless workers can enforce their rights in courts. The Fair Pay Restoration Act will ensure that workers have remedy they deserve when their right to equal pay for equal work is violated by their employer.

Senate Republicans have shown where they stand on this issue -- but they're in the small minority. Women's organizations, civil rights groups, labor unions, disability advocates, religious groups, and businesses all support the Fair Pay Restoration Act.

Join all of us and show your support too:


Senator Edward M. Kennedy


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NRCC email

e-NewsletterWelcome to the NRCC e-Newsletter, a service provided to you by the
National Republican Congressional Committee. This newsletter will keep you informed of our efforts to take back the majority and return conservative leadership to the U.S. Congress.


Obama's Coattails

By: Gary Andres

It wasn't supposed to play out this way. Obama's new politics and electrifying campaign style would energize Democrats and help the party's down ticket candidates?Blog Alert

Turns out Democrats may be too busy clinging to their guns and religion to get too excited about Obama's White House bid.

His comments and views about rural America's "bitterness" expose a major fault line with Democrats' congressional candidates --a wedge with the potential nominee in key swing legislative districts. It could cause many down ticket candidates to distance themselves from a presidential candidate they believe out of step with the values and ideology of their congressional districts.

"It puts them on the defensive by forcing them to begin answering for the actions of their potential presidential nominee that we know will not be able to carry most of the districts we are targeting," Ken Spain, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee said yesterday.

This Politico story, focusing on vulnerable Democrat Congressman Patrick Murphy, supports Spain's thesis. "Murphy has also been playing a pivotal role in rallying support for Obama, and he has been attending rallies and making appearances on cable news networks to tout Obama's candidacy. But while his endorsement gives him short-term exposure, some caution that a too-close association with Obama could backfire in a general election..."

Just when will superdelegates like Patrick Murphy denounce Obama's elitist comments about small town America?


OH-15 (Pryce/Open)

Gongwer News Service, April 15, 2008: "Republican Steve Stivers filed a first-quarter federal campaign finance report Monday showing he raised $279,417 for his congressional election contest in roughly equal amounts from individuals and political action committees. Contributions from Feb. 14 through Jan. 31 brought his net fund-raising for the election cycle-to-date to $787,370. After expenses, Mr. Stivers showed cash on hand at the end of the reporting period of $599,689. Mr. Stivers, a state senator, faces Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy, a Franklin County Commissioner, in the Nov. 4 election to the U.S. House from the 15th Congressional District in central Ohio...Sen. Stivers issued a statement describing as 'remarkable' the financial and other support he had received. "I've received support from every corner of the district - from young families and students to our seniors and veterans - it's overwhelming and I'm honored for their trust and support,' he said." [more]

MN-02, MN-03 (Bachmann, Kline)

Associated Press, April 15, 2008: "Republican incumbent Michele Bachmann has a big lead in dollars over her Democratic challengers in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District. A federal campaign report says Bachmann had more than $1 million in the bank at the end of March. That's almost 10 times more than the amounts reported by the Democrats seeking to challenge her...In the 2nd District, Representative John Kline also had a cash advantage over his nearest Democratic rival. Kline had $510,000 in the bank, compared with $39,000 for Iraq war veteran Steve Sarvi." [more]

IL-06 (Roskam)

Associated Press, April 15, 2008: "Republican Congressman Peter Roskam has Democrat Jill Morgenthaler beat right now on the money front by about an 8-1 margin as they head into the general election ...Morgenthaler had only $127,000 as of the end of March, while Roskam had almost $1 million, the lion's share of the $1.3 million the freshman congressman has raised this election cycle. That's based on campaign finance reports that were due today with the Federal Election Commission and that cover the period through March." [more]


Travis Childers: He's No Magician

Travis Childers, the Democratic candidate in Mississippi's First Congressional District Special Election on April 22nd claims he isn't a magician when it comes to solving the problems that plague the congressional district that he wants to represent. Well that's good since the voters aren't looking to elect a magician to Congress, they're looking for someone who can fight for their interests in Washington. [watch the NRCC video]

last night's debate

Watch the video
Dear John,

Last night, Senator Obama and I had the chance to express some substantive differences on issues that affect people's lives in Kentucky every day: the war in Iraq, the mortgage crisis, Social Security, and rising gas prices.

I know when I stand up at a debate like last night, I'm speaking not just for myself, but for everyone who has supported me in this race. I know I wouldn't be here without you, and I can't tell you how proud I am to stand with you.

This race should be decided on the merits of our ideas -- not the size our campaign coffers. I've spent some time in Kentucky recently, and I know the people there agree.

The Kentucky primary is close to a month away, and this race is so close that a contribution you make today could be the difference between winning and losing.

If you missed the debate last night, click here to watch my closing statement and contribute today to help me win.

Thank for all you do and I hope to see you on the trail soon!

Hillary Rodham Clinton

McCain strategy memo

To: Interested Parties
From: Rick Davis
Date: April 23, 2008
Re: Pennsylvania Democratic Primary Results

The race for the Democratic Nomination will continue.

Hillary Clinton's victory in Pennsylvania last night has extended the primary to the next round of contests (Indiana and North Carolina on May 6) and has maintained the competitive nature of the race.

With her 10-point victory, we should expect her poll numbers and resources to increase in the coming days. Primary wins, especially in the 2008 election cycle, have had a direct impact on the national polling numbers for the candidates and when national polling numbers increase, so do campaign donations.

Since last night, the Clinton campaign reportedly raised $10 million dollars online - enough to make a significant dent in upcoming media buys in North Carolina and Indiana. Barack Obama continues to surpass fundraising expectations and will most likely continue to do so. We need help during this period of democratic turmoil so we can build our resources and be ready to fight when the race begins.

Pennsylvania exit polls tell an interesting story that has implications for November.

  • Even though Hillary Clinton won this primary, Barack Obama is seen as the front runner among Pennsylvania Democrats and is perceived to be the candidate most likely to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

    Fifty-five percent of Pennsylvania voters say they believe Barack Obama will be the nominee in November. And, one-fifth of Clinton's Pennsylvania supporters believe he will be the nominee in November. So, the victory for Clinton is seen as a bump in the road for Obama, even by some of her true believers.

  • Exit polls reveal why this poses significant problems for Obama if he becomes the nominee. The most important problem: Clinton voters don't automatically become Obama voters after he becomes the nominee. In fact, Obama leaves large portions of Clinton's coalition on the table in November.

    Obama only wins 72% of the Democratic vote in a general election match up among those surveyed last night. Clinton shows her broad coalitional strength and wins 81% in a general election match up against John McCain. A full quarter of the Democrats in Pennsylvania are not willing to cast their ballot for Obama against McCain (15% say they vote McCain and 10% say they stay home), however, Clinton loses only 17% of Democrats (10% for McCain and 7% would not vote). This gap of 8-points would be significant in a general election match up. President Bush lost Pennsylvania by 2-points in 2004, when 41% of the electorate were Democrats. That 8-point gap among Democrats is enough to swing the state the other way (8% of 41% is 2.8-points, turning Pennsylvania red). This dynamic is clearly visible in publicly released surveys; an average of April polls show McCain trailing Obama by an average of 3-points (3 surveys in April) and trailing Clinton by 8-points.
The cracks in Obama's Democratic coalition in Pennsylvania mirror what we saw in Ohio, and those cracks could have implications in November.
  • Hillary Clinton cleaned up with Union households - like she did in Ohio.
    In Pennsylvania, Clinton won 59% of Union members (Obama 41%). Obama won these voters by significant margins in Wisconsin (+9), but has lost his hold on their vote in both Ohio (Clinton 55% - 43%) and now Pennsylvania.

  • Clinton did better than Obama with lower income voters.
    Our targeting and analysis of the 2008 political landscape puts voters who are on the lower economic brackets at the heart of either party's winning coalition. Hillary won at every income level below $150,000, and Obama only won with the wealthiest Pennsylvania voters. Obama's media foibles contributed to his inability to connect to voters who are suffering the real impact of this challenging economic environment.

    This is also apparent in the number of voters who feel Clinton is more in touch with their views. Fifty-six percent of Pennsylvania Democrats say Clinton cares about people like them - again a significant switch from earlier contests. Wisconsin exit polls shows Obama had a 12-point advantage on that measure. By the time Ohio held their primary, Clinton had switched the dynamic and led by 12-points.

  • Clinton won Catholic voters.
    In Wisconsin, Clinton split the Catholic vote 50%-50% with Obama. Again, she changed the dynamic in Ohio and won Catholics by 27-points (63% - 36%). In Pennsylvania, she increased her margins and won by 38-points (69% - 31%). The strength of this coalition bolsters her argument that Obama would have had problems competing in Michigan and will not be able to carry key Midwestern states in November.

  • Clinton won Jewish voters.
    In Pennsylvania, the first state where both candidates competed for a significant block of Jewish voters, Clinton won by 15-points (57% - 43%). Again, the data suggests Jewish voters, a key Democratic coalition, pose a potential problem for Obama.

  • Clinton increased her margins in suburban and rural areas - without losing ground in urban areas. Clinton won Pennsylvania suburbs by a 12-point margin and won rural areas by 22-points. And Clinton lost in urban areas by 14-points. This is similar to her Ohio performance. But, it shows an increase in her performance in urban areas from earlier contests (in Wisconsin she lost urban areas by 21-points). Clinton has figured out how to increase her margins among suburban and rural voters and cut into Obama's base of urban voters.

What does that mean for John McCain?

Ultimately most pundits contend that Hillary Clinton still has more than an uphill battle to become the nominee. So, what does this victory mean for John McCain?

While the Democratic nomination continues to unfold, our campaign is actively engaged in listening to voters' concerns and sharing John McCain's message with them. Senator McCain has an active schedule in the coming weeks. Last week, he gave a major economic address where he addressed short term concerns like enacting a summer gas tax holiday, he proposed a new "HOME Plan" to help those who are hurt by the housing crisis and he is proposing a student loan continuity plan to make sure America's college students aren't hurt from the credit crunch. In addition, Senator McCain has spent this week travelling to places many in our nation have forgotten and where our citizens have felt left behind but where hope, innovation and local solutions are helping to lift these communities up. And, next week, Senator McCain will visit various health care facilities and unveil his plans and solutions to help Americans improve access and affordability to good health care. In addition, the campaign is building our organization and resources for the campaign in the fall.

going rural...

My Friends,

This week I embarked on a trip to areas of the United States seldom-visited and all too often forgotten by our nation's leaders. I am doing this because I want to learn from the people who live in these areas. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit Alabama. During my trip I spent time in the towns of Selma, Gee's Bend, Camden and Thomasville.

It was an honor to visit Selma, a place that held great significance in the Civil Rights movement. I was also fortunate to visit the Gee's Bend quilters, who gave me such a warm welcome - I thank them for their hospitality. I hope you will take the time today to follow this link to watch a video straight from the campaign trail.

My friends, I am traveling to these places because if I am to be President of the United States of America, I'm going to be the president of all the people. I will work for all people and I will listen to all people. By understanding the challenges - and they are enormous - that these Americans face today, I will be a far better president.

There must be no forgotten places in America. I have always believed in this country, in a good America, a great America. And I have always believed we can build a better America for all people. This week, I'm traveling to places where great Americans are still fighting for change to make us a better country. I am going to meet and learn from these patriots.

I am running for president as a different type of candidate and I ask that you join my campaign today.


John McCain

P.S. My friends, I will continue to travel to places across our country that are too often forgotten to meet and learn from the Americans who live in these areas. I am doing this because if I am elected President of the United States, I want to be president of all people. Our campaign has put together a special video featuring highlights from yesterday's stops in Alabama. I invite you to follow this link to watch this special video and, if you are able to, make a generous donation to our campaign so that we may continue our good work. Thank you.

the rant

Two quick notes from the campaign trail this week.

Watch our new video.Colorado: Republican Hypocrisy

Last week we told you about how Colorado Republican Bob Schaffer accepted more than $13,000 in travel and accommodations from a front group for convicted felon and Tom DeLay confidant, Jack Abramoff.

Schaffer then turned around and defended the business practices of sweatshops run by Abramoff's lobbying clients, despite a mountain of evidence against the manufacturers.

To drive home the true scope of this hypocrisy, the DSCC has produced a great new video. We created this video to make sure that each and every Colorado voter knows the truth about Schaffer's shady ties to Jack Abramoff.

Click here to see the latest video about the Colorado Senate race.

Republican Bob Schaffer is tainted by the Jack Abramoff scandal, and he's not fit to serve the great people of Colorado.

The latest polling shows a neck and neck race between Schaffer and Democrat Mark Udall. Udall has earned rave reviews so far in this race for his record of courageous leadership on the war in Iraq and renewable energy issues. We'll be sure to keep you updated as this campaign heats up.

Alaska: Strong Democrat Enters the Race

Second, great news just yesterday from Alaska where Democrat Mark Begich is officially entering the race to make a strong challenger against embattled Republican incumbent Ted Stevens.

As mayor of Anchorage, Begich helped create nearly 10,000 new jobs and eliminated a $33 million city budget deficit. If elected senator, Begich has pledged to restore trust and transparency in our government and to expand the G.I. Bill to give veterans everything they need to earn a college degree.

Scandals have rocked the Republican Party in Alaska. Even Ted Stevens himself is under investigation by the FBI and is going to be extremely vulnerable this cycle. The latest polling already shows a dead heat, even before voters start paying attention and learning all about Stevens' sordid past.


help barack in KY

Matthew --

Become a Kentucky Precinct Team LeaderToday, the eyes of the nation are on Pennsylvania, where voters are heading to the polls to make their voices heard in their Democratic primary. But Kentucky's primary is coming up in just a few weeks, and I wanted to let you know about a program our campaign is introducing called Kentucky Precinct Team Leaders.

We've seen record turnout in contests across the country -- we've won the most votes, the most states, and the most delegates, and it's thanks to supporters like you.

But this campaign is far from over, and we can't take anything for granted. We need to reach everyone we can in Kentucky on May 20th. And to do that, we need to get organized on a local level.

Sign up to help lead our effort in your neighborhood -- become a Precinct Team Leader today:

Grassroots organizers have a special place in my heart.

My dad was an avid Democrat and a Precinct Captain in Chicago. He was a blue collar city worker who put two kids through college despite being stricken with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.

But my dad got up every day, driven to create a better life for our family and our community. And one way he worked for change was by talking to his neighbors, knocking on their doors, and helping get them to the polls.

It's such an important job. I hope we can count on you to sign on and help out. The campaign will put you in touch with a staff organizer in your area who will help you get organized.

Sign up and learn more about becoming a Precinct Team Leader:

Thank you for everything you're doing,


re: our ad

Dear matt,

Our first ad of the presidential campaign hit TVs across the country today, thanks to people like you.

The response from Democrats has been strong and overwhelmingly positive -- many of you are thrilled that we're standing up and fighting John McCain on television while Senator Clinton and Senator Obama work to win the nomination.

The response from Republicans has also been strong, but overwhelmingly negative -- they're frustrated their candidate has such a terrible understanding of economics and that the American people are beginning to find out.

John McCain himself has seen the ad. When he was asked tough questions about his economic plan after seeing it, he became testy and dismissive.

But while the ad starts running on national television today, we're still organizing places like Kentucky, laying the groundwork that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will need to win in November. And you can help.

Make a contribution today to help us keep John McCain out of the White House -- we're running ads, organizing volunteers, and building the tools we'll need to win. But it costs money, and we can't afford to wait. Watch our first ad and make a contribution today:

Help us continue asking the tough questions of John McCain. We want to make sure Americans hear John McCain in his own words -- on the air and at their door.

Thanks for all you do.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

P.S.: A few of you had trouble with the link in Governor Dean's e-mail yesterday. We're sorry if you had any issues. To see our ad, click here.


Dear Matthew,

Volunteer in Indiana The Pennsylvania primary is being held today, but the next 14 days could be the decisive period in this election.

The Indiana primary on May 6th is one of the biggest and most closely watched contests remaining, and the race is shaping up to be a dead heat.

Right now, local staff and volunteers are working hard to identify Obama supporters as Primary Day approaches -- but they need the help of supporters like you from all across the Midwest.

Sign up right away to take a trip to Indiana this weekend:

Everything we've accomplished has been made possible by a network of grassroots supporters across the country working to make change possible.

The primary in Indiana is our last, best chance to build on our success in the Midwest -- and a strong finish for Barack could make the difference in this election.

We can't get there without your help.

With the race so close, I hope we can count on you to canvass in Indiana this weekend:

Hope to see you soon,


Mitch Stewart
Indiana State Director

Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make it this weekend, start planning to come to Indiana in the final days before the May 6th primary.

Your help will be crucial during our Get Out The Vote push that begins Saturday, May 3rd.

Sign up now to let us know you'll come to Indiana for Barack:

finally, something other than a lapel!

Dear Fellow Republicans,

As the presidential campaign kicks into high gear, it's more important than ever to show your support for John McCain as the presumptive Republican nominee for president. One way you can stand out is by wearing official John McCain 2008 gear.

Our official campaign store,, has hats, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, t-shirts and special state and coalition-specific gear. Please visit our store today!

As Republicans, we know that John McCain is the right man to lead our nation as we face tough challenges. Now is the time to stand with John McCain and show our support for him. As president, John McCain is the most prepared candidate to serve as our commander in chief and fight for our shared values in the White House. As his team of supporters, it is our job to ensure he wins in November.

Please visit to buy your official McCain 2008 gear and encourage your friends, neighbors and colleagues to do the same.

Thank you,

Rick Davis

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

P.S. As we head into spring, the presidential campaign is heating up. It's more important than ever to show your support for John McCain by wearing official McCain 2008 gear. Please visit today to purchase a bumper sticker, button, lapel pin, polo shirt or any of the coalition gear today. Thanks for your support!

our first ad

Dear matt,

Watch our first national television ad of the general electionJohn McCain believes we're better off economically today than we were eight years ago.

The American people know that's not true -- they're feeling the effects of high gas prices, lost jobs, and a housing crisis. Voters continually rank the economy as their biggest concern.

So this week we're planning to release our first national television ad of the presidential race to show the American people just how wrong John McCain is on the economy. We're also strengthening our local organizing efforts to make sure the American people really know how little John McCain understands the economy.

We need $500,000 to help pay for ads like the one we plan to air this week, fund organizers in your state and build a national infrastructure to help Hillary or Barack win the White House.

Can you help us raise $500,000? If you can, then millions of Americans will get to see and hear the real John McCain in his own words -- and we'll be building for victory in November.

Click here to see our first ad of the presidential race:

John McCain is on the record as saying the economy is something he really doesn't understand as well as he should. It shows.

Unemployment is up. Gas and food prices are up. Inflation is on the rise. The housing market is in a slump. The pundits are saying we're in the worst economic mess in decades. But John McCain keeps defending his friend George Bush, saying everything is just fine.

Providing tax cuts for the wealthy, allowing oil and gas companies to make huge windfall profits and turning a blind eye to the problems in the home lending market -- these are John McCain's solutions. American families can't afford four more years of failed Bush economic policies.

Your support today allows us to get this spot on the air across the country. We want to do this right -- please take a moment now to watch the ad and then make a contribution:

John McCain and the Republican Party hope we'll forget about the mismanagement of the last eight years. They're working hard to distract Americans from getting to know the real John McCain, and the Republican spin machine is working overtime.

While John McCain is out trying to reintroduce himself to the American people, we want to make sure voters have all the facts -- and have the chance to know the real John McCain.

Your support to help us raise $500,000 means we can start distributing the ad on national television this week, while putting additional resources into our 50-state strategy.

We'll make sure Americans hear John McCain in his own words. And the more we raise, the more voters we can reach with this and other spots.

Thanks for your support,

Howard Dean

the greatest hoax

Dear matthew,

Contribute today! Earth Day is this Sunday, and in that spirit, our mission is clear.

We need to oust Republican senators who believe that global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." And we desperately need to change George Bush's "wait 10 years and then take action" attitude toward global climate change.

But the fact is that the entrenched money interests who stand to profit from the failed status quo have lined up against the Democrats and given over $2 million in campaign contributions to the Senate Republicans.

While our opponents look to industries like oil and gas to stock their campaign coffers, our Democratic challengers depend on people like you. Make a contribution right away, so the DSCC can level the playing field for our candidates across the country.

Click here to make an immediate, secure contribution of $50, $75, or more. Your support is the only way we can compete against Big Oil's millions.

Democrats are doing everything they can to fight global warming in the Senate. Just last month, I, along with Sens. Cardin and Clinton took action to oppose the Bush administration's attempts to dramatically cut funding for programs designed to curb acid rain.

This Earth Day, you can make a lasting, sustainable impact too - by helping the DSCC elect an overwhelming Democratic majority in the Senate. It's the only way our country can get serious about tackling global warming.

Remember, as long as Mitch McConnell and Roadblock Republicans control enough votes, they are bound and determined to stand up for the entrenched interests and stand in the way of progress. If you want to change the failed status quo, you have to change the Senate.

Your support today helps us give our candidates everything they need to go right after Republican incumbents across the country. An investment now will pay off with victory in November.

Click here to make an immediate, secure contribution of $50, $75, or more. Your support is the only way we can compete against Big Oil's millions.

It's bad enough that we're going to have to compete against Karl Rove and the Republican attack dogs this fall. But please don't let us face them with anything less than everything we need to fight back.

The DSCC's job is to level that playing field and we rely on your support to do it. Please, make an immediate contribution today.


Chuck Schumer

gas tax holiday?

My Friends,

This week, I laid out an economic plan aimed at providing immediate and long-term relief for all American families. One of the key components of this plan is a suspension of the federal gas tax on gasoline from Memorial Day to Labor Day of this year.

The effect of this "gas tax holiday" will be an immediate economic stimulus - taking a few dollars off the price of a tank of gas every time you fill up. And because the cost of gas affects the price of food, packaging and just about everything else, this immediate step will spread economic relief to every family in America.

My friends, this election will be shaped by the big issues we face as a nation, not the small ones. To effectively communicate our solutions to these issues, I will need a united base of support and financial resources to communicate my message to the American people. That's why I ask you to join my campaign by making a financial contribution by following this link right away.

I am running for president to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our nation today, and our economy is certainly one of our top challenges. The voters of our country will have a clear choice in November between my vision and policies for our country - rooted in our shared conservative principles - and the tax and spend policies of my Democratic opponents.

Whether it's the economy, the struggle against radical Islamic extremism or national security issues, I stand ready to offer bold solutions to our nation's challenges. The gas-tax holiday is just one example, and as I have always done, I will make my case to every American who will listen.

I will not confine myself to the comfort of speaking only to those who agree with me. I will make my case to all the people. I will listen to those who disagree. I will try to persuade them. I will debate. I will learn from them. And I will fight every moment of every day for what I believe is right for this country, and I will not yield.

Please join me today in the fight for what is right for this country by making a donation of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 - any amount up to the legal limit of $2,300. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to what will surely be a great contest in November.

Thank you,

John McCain

P.S. In November, Americans will have a clear choice between my policies for addressing the big issues and the policies of my opponents. I stand ready to offer bold new solutions to the challenges we face as a nation, and I ask that you join me today calling for a gas tax holiday to provide immediate economic relief for many Americans. Please follow this link to join my campaign for president by making a generous donation today. Every donation, no matter how small, is crucial to our campaign. Thank you.

re: 120 million and the FEC

Dear matt,

Governor Dean wrote to you this week about the $120 million fund to remake John McCain and destroy Senator Clinton and Senator Obama.

As part of their plan, John McCain will start a "Compassion Tour" next week designed to position him as a different kind of Republican.

He'll be going into inner city neighborhoods and economically depressed towns, trying to reach out to voters his party traditionally ignores.

Sound familiar? Know any other Republican politicians who have claimed to be a "compassionate conservative"?

We've seen this campaign before: a Republican candidate who holds a dangerous and wrong opinion on Iraq, supported by piles of lobbyist and special interest money, who works non-stop to look folksy and compassionate; a Republican candidate who knows nothing about jobs and the economy, fixing health care or a rational foreign policy.

We've also seen how it turns out. They're able to use their money to get the White House -- and Americans are left with four years of a dangerous Republican president.

We can't let that happen again. We need you to contribute right now so we can counter John McCain's "Compassion Tour," and help fight the $120 million they're going to throw at us.

John McCain is like George Bush in every way. We can't let them take the White House again. Make a contribution today:

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

take ownership

Dear Matt,

I wanted to get in touch with you before Monday's voter registration deadline in Kentucky.

Voter registration is about more than just politics -- it's about encouraging folks to get involved in a process they've felt left out of for far too long.

In more than 40 contests so far, that's exactly what we've seen. Millions of people have voted for the first time or come back after years of frustration. Supporters like you have reached out to friends and neighbors and worked to bring about the kind of change we need.

I know we can make this happen in Kentucky -- but only if you take ownership of this effort.

This weekend is our best chance to bring new voices into the political process -- the deadline to register in order to vote in the May 20th primary is next Monday, April 21st. It's more important than ever that you get involved in your community and help register voters.

Supporters are gathering at campaign offices across the state. Come see us at the office near you and make a difference this weekend:

We have only a few days before the deadline -- and thousands of potential supporters to reach.

I hope I can count on your help this weekend.

Thank you,


P.S. -- If you can't make it out to a canvass this weekend, you can still make a difference. Send a message to your friends and neighbors encouraging them to register before the deadline:

hamas and the US election


Wednesday's Democratic debate provided insight into Barack Obama's positions on key foreign policy issues. As president he says he would immediately withdraw our troops from Iraq- even if he were strongly advised against this by our nation's top military commanders. He would also hold direct talks with the Iranian regime- a regime that does not recognize Israel and is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Iran's president has even called for Israel to be "wiped off the map."

During the debate, Barack Obama once again refused to condemn former President Jimmy Carter- who publicly supports Obama- for holding talks with the Hamas terrorist group, a group supported financially, politically and militarily by Iran.

Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won him praise from Hamas leaders. Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Hamas Prime Minister said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election. He has a vision to change America."

We need change in America, but not the kind of change that wins kind words from Hamas, surrenders in Iraq and will hold unconditional talks with Iranian President Ahmadinejad.

John McCain's foreign policy provides a stark contrast to the policies of Barack Obama. As president, John McCain will provide the leadership we need to win the war against Islamic extremists. We need your help today to reach out to Americans across the country to spread the message of John McCain's plan for your national security. Please follow this link to make a financial contribution to our campaign today.

We are in the middle of a hard-fought campaign, and I am confident that the leadership and bold solutions John McCain will provide as our commander in chief are what our nation needs. We need your immediate donation to take John McCain's solutions to the American people.

John McCain will always put the interests of American families above all else. This is the type of leadership we need as a nation, and I hope you will take the time today to join our campaign and make a financial contribution to ensure the policies of Barack Obama do not become the policies of America.


Christian Ferry
Deputy Campaign Manager

P.S. - The differences between our campaign and that of Barack Obama's could not be more clear. While Senator Obama would surrender in Iraq and hold talks with the Iranian regime, John McCain will never surrender in the struggle with Islamic extremists. Please join our campaign today by making a generous donation of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or $2,300. Thank you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

mad as hell

Dear matthew,

Debate: ABC News

Watch the lowlights from last night’s debate on ABC. Sick of this junk news?

Take Action Now

I'm outraged about last night's presidential debate on ABC, and you should be too.

ABC dedicated the entire first half of the debate to recycling the same junk news stories about the candidates' personalities and past associations that have been circulating endlessly in recent weeks.

At a time when we are facing life and death decisions about health care, war, climate change and the economy, ABC went for fluff and innuendo. No wonder so many people are misinformed or don’t pay attention to politics.

Last night made a mockery of this election and gave us a stark view of Big Media's impact on our democracy.

We have to do something. Instead of just switching channels, we need to demand better media.

Tell ABC: We Want Quality Journalism, Not Junk News

Media is the lifeblood of our democracy. But as our media falls into fewer and fewer hands, real journalism is being replaced by cheap infotainment and rank sensationalism. Newsrooms are being squeezed, foreign bureaus have been shuttered, and serious issues are simply ignored.

We can do more than just throw open the window and scream, "We're not gonna take it anymore."

Last night's debate is just a symptom of a much more serious sickness afflicting our media system. The root of this problem is bad policies that let Big Media companies like Disney -- which owns ABC -- get so big. It's up to Congress and the FCC to roll back media consolidation.

But it's moments like this that wake people up to the dire state of the media. Help spread the word.

Tell Your Friends: Support Quality Journalism

We deserve better media; we need better media. Let’s hold ABC and Disney accountable -- and fight for media that we can count on.


Josh Silver
Executive Director
Free Press

P.S. Get connected and help spread the word. Join us on Facebook.

P.P.S. Missed the debate? Read Tom Shales’ review, “In Pa. Debate, the Clear Loser is ABC.”

recession and war

Dear Matthew,

I'm looking at an amazing new poll.

We commissioned it earlier this year. It shows that voters in all 50 states see a link between the war and our sinking economy. Folks across the country think getting out of Iraq is one of the best ways to help fix our deepening economic crisis.

This message is political dynamite. If the link between Iraq war spending and the recession was in the headlines, John McCain and other pro-war politicians wouldn't get away with their endless war strategy.

We've got to get this out there—so we're ramping up a massive "Iraq/Recession" campaign to get the message out that the war is standing in the way of economic recovery. We'll use ads, bird-dogging, local press conferences from coast to coast, and a host of other methods to make the point. Can you kick in $25? Click here:

Our first step will be to release this new poll next week in hundreds of communities around the country, with the local media looking on. We'll follow that up with a media campaign on the tradeoffs between war and economic progress—and then a bird-dogging campaign aimed at both Senator McCain and Republican Senate candidates. Everywhere these candidates go, we'll make sure it's clear that their most important economic policy is to keep dumping billions every year into Iraq's unwinnable war.

We've got to move forward fast. Every day, Sen. McCain and other pro-war politicians are promoting more of the same failed Bush policies—an endless occupation of Iraq, more preemptive wars—and pretty much getting a free pass from the media.

Click here to chip in now:

We all remember the famous slogan from the 1992 presidential campaign, "It's the economy, stupid." Today, voters are naming the economy as their top concern again. It's critical every voter understands that the Iraq war is standing in the way of economic recovery. If voters understand this link, politicians like Sen. McCain won't be able to get away with their strategy of endless war.

As Elizabeth Edwards recently said, "If the economy is your number one issue when you're voting, the war is, too."

That's why we're scaling up a campaign to say that the money being spent on war should be spent on getting us out of a nasty recession and helping those who are hurting because of it.

Can you chip in $25 to help us run this powerful campaign to connect the dots between recession and war?

Thanks for all you do,

–Nita, Justin, Anna, Eli, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

mccain lapel pin, for that special interest in your life.

Dear Fellow Republican,

Our campaign continues to prepare for the upcoming general election in November, and we are working to ensure John McCain is our next President. As a loyal Republican, we will need your support in our campaign against either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama this Fall in what will be a highly competitive race. Your support is crucial in sending John McCain to the White House as our next president, and that's why I ask for your support today.

John McCain remains steadfast in his commitment to a brand of leadership that promotes principle over politics, and now he needs a commitment from you. With your immediate contribution of $100 or more in support of his presidential campaign, you will be sent an official John McCain 2008 lapel pin to identify you as a key McCain supporter.

As president, John McCain will reduce the size of the federal government, reduce your tax burden and win the war against radical Islamic extremism. His vision for our country is a stark contrast to both Democratic candidates who want to expand the size of the federal government, raise your taxes and immediately withdraw our troops from Iraq because of mounting political pressure.

The challenges facing our nation today demand tough solutions and these solutions require real leadership. Show your friends, family and neighbors that John McCain is the leader who will unite our party and win in November by following this link to make a donation for your exclusive lapel pin.

Thank you for your continued support.


Rick Davis

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

P.S. As a supporter of John McCain's presidential campaign, you will receive a special McCain 2008 lapel pin with your donation of $100 or more today. We need your financial support now more than ever as we raise funds to take on either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama - who have raised over $400 million combined- in the fall. Please show your support by making a donation and proudly wearing the McCain lapel pin. Thank you.

condi must go

Dear matt,

Secretary Rice chaired repeated White House meetings approving specific torture techniques before they were used -- then lied about it to Congress. Sign the

You and I suspected it. Now, ABC News confirms it.¹

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice chaired repeated White House meetings approving specific torture techniques before they were used -- then lied about it to Congress.

Now Brave New Films put it all together in a "smoking gun" video. That's why, Democracy for America is partnering with True Majority and Brave New Films to launch an aggressive national campaign with a simple message: Condi Must Go.

Watch the video and sign the petition now.

This is the first time concrete evidence shows that senior White House officials, "not only discussed specific plans and specific interrogation methods, but approved them."

The torture meetings were gruesome in detail, often choreographed "down to the number of times a CIA agent could use a specific tactic" or combination of tactics.

The ABC news report makes it crystal clear that torture committed in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay were not isolated incidents by a few "bad apples". In fact, these incidents were standard operating procedure dictated at the highest level of government and led by the current Secretary of State. Her directives to the CIA were unambiguous, "This is your baby, go do it."

Join me in signing the "Condi Must Go" petition right now.

Don't sit this petition out because you think Secretary Rice is untouchable. When we joined with Brave New Films to push for the impeachment of Alberto Gonzales last year, no one thought he would ever be forced out of office. Our critics were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

That's why we're working with True Majority and Brave New Films to expose the truth about Condoleezza Rice. Today, we launch the petition. Tonight, we start a media campaign with a 30-second ad airing on ABC immediately after tonight's Presidential debate.

We will not stop until Condoleezza Rice is held accountable. Sign the petition now.

Working together, we move America forward. Thank you for everything you do.


Jim Dean

¹ abcnews(dot)go(dot)com/print?id=4583256

IN barack stuff

Dear Matt,

Over the weekend, Barack wrapped up a three-day bus tour of Indiana, and it was an amazing trip.

For three days, all across Indiana, he met with folks who are hungry for change -- but frustrated by a politics that never seems to listen to them.

The May 6th primary in Indiana is one of our biggest remaining contests, and supporters from around the country are needed to take the trip and help build our movement here.

Our team put together a video of Barack's tour. Watch it and see the excitement on the ground in Indiana -- then sign up to come spread the word this weekend:

Our campaign has always relied on grassroots supporters like you to build this movement.

That's why so many supporters have knocked on doors, made phone calls, and even traveled to nearby states to talk to folks about the kind of change we're working to bring about.

Even if you've never participated in politics before, I know you'll have the experience of a lifetime making a difference for Barack in this important contest.

Sign up now to help Barack in Indiana:

Thank you,


Mitch Stewart
Indiana State Director

Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make it this weekend, start planning to come to Indiana in the final days before the May 6th primary.

Your help will be crucial during our Get Out The Vote push that begins Saturday, May 2nd.

Sign up now to let us know you'll come to Indiana for Barack:

KY barack stuff

Dear Matt,

Sign up to register Kentucky college students Kentucky's voter registration deadline is coming up on Tuesday, April 21st, and anyone who wishes to vote in the primary on May 20th must be registered as a Democrat.

The deadline for non-Democrats to switch parties has passed, but we can still register first-time voters -- and college campuses are the perfect place to make a difference.

Over the next week, Obama supporters will be leading voter registration drives for college students at campuses across the state.

Find the registration drive at a campus near you and sign up to join fellow supporters registering new Democrats:

Thousands of Kentucky students are eager to support Barack in the primary -- but are not yet registered as Democrats. We need your help to reach as many people as possible before the deadline.

Personal contact from someone like you is the most effective way to encourage these potential supporters to register -- and help build a base that will support Democrats in Kentucky for years to come.

No prior political experience is necessary. All you need is a hunger for change -- and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.

Find the event near you and sign up now:

Bringing new people into the political process is more than just an important part of our strategy -- it's what our movement is all about.

Thank you for all that you've done -- your work is making the difference.


Carolyn Tandy
Kentucky State Director
Obama for America

have you filed your taxes?

My Friends,

Today, April 15th, marks the deadline when all Americans must file their income taxes. While many of us are aggravated and displeased when we see exactly how much of our hard-earned money goes to the federal government - if one of my Democratic opponents is elected in November, you can be certain your tax rate will increase across the board.

When we elect our next president in November, we will make a clear statement about the direction we want to take our economy and our tax system. As I have said before, this election will present Americans with a clear choice between my vision for our country and that of my Democratic opponents.

I believe today, as I have always believed, in small government, fiscal discipline and low taxes. I believe that tax cuts work best when accompanied by lower spending. And I make the promise to you that if elected president, I plan to make the present tax cuts permanent, lower corporate rates from 35% to 25% and end the Alternative Minimum Tax, which will affect millions of middle class families.

But I cannot succeed in my efforts without your immediate financial support.

I know the Democrats will criticize me relentlessly for proposing tax cuts, and they have raised more than $400 million to spend attacking my candidacy and our shared conservative ideals. My campaign must be financially prepared to respond to this criticism, and that's why I ask that you follow this link immediately to make a donation of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or up to the legal limit of $2,300.

There is a lot at stake in this election. If either of my Democratic opponents, Senators Clinton or Obama is elected, they have made it perfectly clear they plan to raise your taxes.

Senators Clinton and Obama have called for higher income taxes, higher social security taxes, higher investment taxes and higher corporate taxes. They have both already laid out plans to pass record-setting tax increases.

My friends, this is not the kind of change our country needs. Your immediate donation is absolutely critical because as we've seen from their record-setting fundraising efforts, Senators Clinton and Obama will do whatever it takes to win in November. My campaign must be financially prepared for what will be a great contest come November.

I hope I can count on your immediate financial support. Thank you.


John McCain

P.S. My Democratic opponents are more determined than ever before to win the White House in November. To date, they've raised over $400 million for their efforts. If elected, both Senators Clinton and Obama have made it clear they will raise your taxes. I want to cut your taxes and reduce the wasteful spending that has taken over Washington, but I will not succeed in my efforts without your immediate financial support. Please follow this link right away to make a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or any other amount up to the legal limit of $2,300. Thank you.