Wednesday, April 23, 2008

re: our ad

Dear matt,

Our first ad of the presidential campaign hit TVs across the country today, thanks to people like you.

The response from Democrats has been strong and overwhelmingly positive -- many of you are thrilled that we're standing up and fighting John McCain on television while Senator Clinton and Senator Obama work to win the nomination.

The response from Republicans has also been strong, but overwhelmingly negative -- they're frustrated their candidate has such a terrible understanding of economics and that the American people are beginning to find out.

John McCain himself has seen the ad. When he was asked tough questions about his economic plan after seeing it, he became testy and dismissive.

But while the ad starts running on national television today, we're still organizing places like Kentucky, laying the groundwork that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will need to win in November. And you can help.

Make a contribution today to help us keep John McCain out of the White House -- we're running ads, organizing volunteers, and building the tools we'll need to win. But it costs money, and we can't afford to wait. Watch our first ad and make a contribution today:

Help us continue asking the tough questions of John McCain. We want to make sure Americans hear John McCain in his own words -- on the air and at their door.

Thanks for all you do.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

P.S.: A few of you had trouble with the link in Governor Dean's e-mail yesterday. We're sorry if you had any issues. To see our ad, click here.

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