Wednesday, April 23, 2008

re: 120 million and the FEC

Dear matt,

Governor Dean wrote to you this week about the $120 million fund to remake John McCain and destroy Senator Clinton and Senator Obama.

As part of their plan, John McCain will start a "Compassion Tour" next week designed to position him as a different kind of Republican.

He'll be going into inner city neighborhoods and economically depressed towns, trying to reach out to voters his party traditionally ignores.

Sound familiar? Know any other Republican politicians who have claimed to be a "compassionate conservative"?

We've seen this campaign before: a Republican candidate who holds a dangerous and wrong opinion on Iraq, supported by piles of lobbyist and special interest money, who works non-stop to look folksy and compassionate; a Republican candidate who knows nothing about jobs and the economy, fixing health care or a rational foreign policy.

We've also seen how it turns out. They're able to use their money to get the White House -- and Americans are left with four years of a dangerous Republican president.

We can't let that happen again. We need you to contribute right now so we can counter John McCain's "Compassion Tour," and help fight the $120 million they're going to throw at us.

John McCain is like George Bush in every way. We can't let them take the White House again. Make a contribution today:

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee

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