Monday, January 28, 2008

Rudy hopes to come back in FLA

Dear john,

Rudy's Drive2FiveWith all the hype and the rhetoric this campaign season, it's important to remember that this campaign is about ideas. And that's why I am supporting the candidate who has a bold vision to bring people together to solve big problems.

Rudy Giuliani and I worked together in the Reagan Justice Department. And it was there I first learned of Rudy's ability to rally people around a common cause. Rudy got things done. He was a strong leader who always had an optimistic vision for the future.

Join me in Rudy's Drive2Five and tell your friends and neighbors why you support Rudy for President.

This campaign is about big ideas and the American people want someone with a proven record to turn around Washington. From his time as Associate Attorney General and helping Ronald Reagan select conservative judges, to his time as US Attorney and taking down the mob, to his time as Mayor of New York City and transforming the nation's crime capital into the safest large city in America, Rudy has always accomplished big goals.

And if the American people ever needed a President who can accomplish big goals, that time is now.

As you go to the polls, it's important to remember that our next President must be able to bring people together. Throughout his entire career, Rudy has brought people together to get things done. Often times we forget that Washington is about more than just a partisan parlor game; it's about getting results. Nobody knows more about getting results than Rudy Giuliani.

Rudy will keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us. On his first day in office he will send Congress the largest tax cut in American history. He will end illegal immigration and secure our borders, and he will appoint strict constructionist judges to the bench. I know Rudy doesn't just talk about these things; Rudy can and will get them done.

Tomorrow, the delegate rich road to the GOP nomination begins in Florida. Join me in supporting Rudy's Drive2Five and help Rudy win Florida.

On To Victory!

Ted Olson

Theodore Olson
Former Solicitor General

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