Friday, January 25, 2008

Edwards wants yo cash moneyz

Dear Matt,

I'm challenging you to help us set a new record for this campaign.

Here's the challenge: if we can raise $360,000 online by January 31 -- 6 days from now -- we will have raised more money for this campaign in one month than in any previous three month period.

That's right -- we're that close to setting this fundraising record for the campaign. Will you help us get there?

Click here to help us raise $360,000

All through January, you and thousands of others have made contributions to our campaign -- more than half of you for the first time. Your support has allowed us to put resources into South Carolina where John Edwards is going to win delegates. And your contributions have helped us get John's message out in key states that will go to the polls on February 5.

Raising $360,000 by January 31 is not only about setting a new campaign record. Most importantly, it will give us the opportunity to get into the next round of key states and buy time to broadcast spots, purchase newspaper advertisements, expand our door-to-door canvassing efforts and get phone banks up-and-running.

That's why I'm challenging you to help us bring in $360,000 online over the next 6 days.

Click here to help us raise $360,000

The pundits recognize this is still a three-person race for the Democratic nomination. Coming off this past Monday's presidential debate, commentator after commentator has spoken glowingly of John's performance -- and how he continues to lead with the boldest agenda for change.

This is the message John has said he intends to carry all the way to the convention, the nomination -- and then on to the White House.

This campaign could not ask for more dedicated supporters. Again and again, over the past 9 months, I have challenged you to do more and to give more: volunteering, traveling, and donating. You have always come through -- and it is your generosity that has sustained John and this campaign.

I know you can help us set a new campaign record between now and January 31 -- and that will make a difference for us as we head toward the important contests on February 5.

Thank you for all you do.

--Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
January 25, 2008

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