I'm looking at an amazing new poll.
We commissioned it earlier this year. It shows that voters in all 50 states see a link between the war and our sinking economy. Folks across the country think getting out of Iraq is one of the best ways to help fix our deepening economic crisis.
This message is political dynamite. If the link between Iraq war spending and the recession was in the headlines, John McCain and other pro-war politicians wouldn't get away with their endless war strategy.
We've got to get this out there—so we're ramping up a massive "Iraq/Recession" campaign to get the message out that the war is standing in the way of economic recovery. We'll use ads, bird-dogging, local press conferences from coast to coast, and a host of other methods to make the point. Can you kick in $25? Click here:
Our first step will be to release this new poll next week in hundreds of communities around the country, with the local media looking on. We'll follow that up with a media campaign on the tradeoffs between war and economic progress—and then a bird-dogging campaign aimed at both Senator McCain and Republican Senate candidates. Everywhere these candidates go, we'll make sure it's clear that their most important economic policy is to keep dumping billions every year into Iraq's unwinnable war.
We've got to move forward fast. Every day, Sen. McCain and other pro-war politicians are promoting more of the same failed Bush policies—an endless occupation of Iraq, more preemptive wars—and pretty much getting a free pass from the media.
Click here to chip in now: We all remember the famous slogan from the 1992 presidential campaign, "It's the economy, stupid." Today, voters are naming the economy as their top concern again. It's critical every voter understands that the Iraq war is standing in the way of economic recovery. If voters understand this link, politicians like Sen. McCain won't be able to get away with their strategy of endless war.
As Elizabeth Edwards recently said, "If the economy is your number one issue when you're voting, the war is, too."
That's why we're scaling up a campaign to say that the money being spent on war should be spent on getting us out of a nasty recession and helping those who are hurting because of it.
Can you chip in $25 to help us run this powerful campaign to connect the dots between recession and war?
Thanks for all you do,
–Nita, Justin, Anna, Eli, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Thursday, April 17th, 2008
Support our member-driven organization: MoveOn.org Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:
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