Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Dear Matthew,

Volunteer in Indiana The Pennsylvania primary is being held today, but the next 14 days could be the decisive period in this election.

The Indiana primary on May 6th is one of the biggest and most closely watched contests remaining, and the race is shaping up to be a dead heat.

Right now, local staff and volunteers are working hard to identify Obama supporters as Primary Day approaches -- but they need the help of supporters like you from all across the Midwest.

Sign up right away to take a trip to Indiana this weekend:

Everything we've accomplished has been made possible by a network of grassroots supporters across the country working to make change possible.

The primary in Indiana is our last, best chance to build on our success in the Midwest -- and a strong finish for Barack could make the difference in this election.

We can't get there without your help.

With the race so close, I hope we can count on you to canvass in Indiana this weekend:

Hope to see you soon,


Mitch Stewart
Indiana State Director

Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make it this weekend, start planning to come to Indiana in the final days before the May 6th primary.

Your help will be crucial during our Get Out The Vote push that begins Saturday, May 3rd.

Sign up now to let us know you'll come to Indiana for Barack:

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