This blew me away: in Barack’s victory in Virginia last night, he won 142,000 more votes than all of the Republicans combined, and his victory margin over Senator Clinton was larger than John McCain’s entire vote total. All of this, in what the Old Guard liked to pretend was "red state" Virginia. When Barack and I rode together in the motorcade in Charleston, South Carolina on the day I gave him my endorsement, we talked about the three-million-member-strong community. We both agreed that this email list was a community of supporters, not an ATM machine. And so these last weeks, as I’ve talked with you, as Barack introduced himself to you, as Ted Kennedy talked about Barack’s commitment to health care for all, and Gov. Tim Kaine talked about Barack’s ability to unite our country -- we haven’t asked you to dig into your pockets. We’ve asked you to get to know Barack, to study his positions, to make phone calls to your neighbors, to go door to door -- to get involved. But today, I ask you to consider making a contribution as the campaign enters a new phase. Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania -- the next big contests in this campaign are big media market states, huge states that are expensive to build statewide field organizations in, and Barack has a lot of ground to make up. To win, Barack can use all of our help. Click here to donate what you can. So there it is. I know not everyone here is an Obama supporter, and diversity of opinion is a strength, not a weakness of our community -- but you’ve "had my back" in so many fights these last years, I knew I could ask you to consider signing up for another mission. I have to tell you, this campaign has me excited. Excited, because I have seen so much hope out there as I’ve traveled the country for Barack. Excited, because as frustrated as I’ve been that the three words "George W. Bush" silenced any conversation at dinner tables around the country the last eight years, I think we’ve found three words that will open a conversation across the old divides, regardless of race, religion, gender, or income level -- and those three words are "President Barack Obama". So please, click here to contribute what you can for Barack's campaign. I care about making this happen. I care about seeing Barack Obama win against John McCain in a way that will break the Republican Roadblock in the Senate and grow our progressive majority in the Congress. Please dig deep -- I know we can do this. This feels like the moment that got me and my generation to care about politics -- and I want it to be the moment that millions more start to care for the first time, or to care again, the way that you and I do now. Thank you, John Kerry 
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