Friend --
I was writing a note to you about the state of the race after Super Tuesday when we got some startling news.
The Clinton campaign just announced that Hillary and Bill Clinton injected $5 million of their personal fortune into her campaign a few days ago.
This is a dramatic move, and a clear acknowledgement that our campaign has the momentum. We saw undeniable evidence of that last night as the results came in.
Barack Obama won the most states and the most delegates on February 5th.
We have gotten to this point thanks to an unprecedented outpouring of support from ordinary Americans.
To date, more than 650,000 people like you have taken ownership of this campaign, giving whatever they can afford.
The Clinton infusion of $5 million -- and there are reports it could end up being as much as $20 million -- will give them huge resources for the next set of primaries and caucuses.
Thanks to you, we have raised more than $3 million since the polls closed on February 5th. But we have no choice -- we must match their $5 million right now.
We're going to do it the right way, with small donations from people like you. It's never been more urgent that you make a donation of $25 right now:
Just two weeks ago we were behind by double-digits in many of the states that voted yesterday, but Barack won 13 states to 8 states for Hillary Clinton, with one state (New Mexico) still counting votes.
This is an enormous victory, and it's all thanks to you.
We won yesterday because thousands upon thousands of individual supporters canvassed their neighborhoods, talked to their neighbors and friends, and made phone calls to remind their fellow supporters to get out the vote.
And we accomplished all of this with a campaign funded by ordinary people giving only what they can afford.
Yesterday was proof that America is ready for change -- and that you are the force to make that change happen.
But there's still a long way to go before Barack becomes the Democratic nominee. In the next week alone, six more states will hold their primaries and caucuses.
We need to match this $5 million personal contribution from the Clintons immediately and put these resources to work in the states that will vote next.
Please make a donation of $25 now:
Here are some details about yesterday's historic victory. According to official results and exit polls:
Barack won 2-to-1 in traditionally conservative states where Democrats are hungry for a nominee who can change the map and help Democrats up and down the ticket win in November
Our winning coalition included Americans of every race, background, and gender -- including 64% of women in Georgia
We scored wins in every region of the country -- New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the South, the Midwest, the Rocky Mountain states, and the West
Americans had a clear choice to make yesterday, and they chose Barack Obama.
Now let's match this $5 million and take this campaign into the next stage.
Thank you,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Friend -- As of this afternoon, more than 300,000 people have given in 2008 alone, taking ownership of this campaign by making a donation of whatever they can afford. This has never happened before. No one has ever built a campaign involving so many Americans as true stakeholders. It speaks volumes not only about the kind of campaign we're running, but also about how we want politics to be. So many of us have been waiting so long for the time when we could finally expect more from our politics, when we could give more of ourselves and feel truly invested in something bigger than a particular candidate or cause. This is it. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. We won the most states and the most delegates on Tuesday because a movement of people decided to take back the political process and participate in unprecedented numbers. Today we set a new goal: 500,000 people giving to our campaign this year by March 4th. It's time to take the next step. Please make your first donation now: When you do, one of the 300,000 people who have already given this year will match your donation. You'll see the name and town of the person matching your gift, and you'll even be able to send them a note about why you took the leap. This has been a remarkable week already, but we are entering what could be a decisive phase of the campaign. We face contests in Nebraska, Washington State, and Louisiana on Saturday. Maine will go on Sunday. And Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. will vote on Tuesday. It's going to take every one of us reaching out, organizing, and giving our all to make it happen. As we headed into the Iowa caucuses, it had taken us nearly a year to reach our first 500,000 donors. Now, with your help, we will be able to repeat that feat in a little over 60 days as we head into Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont on March 4th. So many people said we would never get here. But we're proving every day that ordinary people can still accomplish extraordinary things. Thank you, BarackOne of the things I'm most proud of about our campaign is not the amount of money we've raised, but the number of people giving it.
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