It happened after Iowa. It happened again in February. People counted Hillary out. They tried to say the race was over.
But you knew better. You sustained her with your support. You kept the campaign going with your contributions. You made more than a million phone calls. You believed in Hillary when she needed you the most. And in Texas and Ohio, she proved you right.
Thanks to you, this race is neck-and-neck despite the Obama campaign outraising us by $20 million in February. Now we have six weeks to make our case in Pennsylvania.
We know it's a fight. We know our opponent will outspend us. But we cannot let him have a head start in Pennsylvania, the critical next state. Hillary needs your support now -- today -- to make sure we're fighting on a level playing field.
Contribute today to help Hillary win.
You and I know Hillary can win. We have a strategy in place and a clear path to the nomination. All she needs is for you to keep standing up for her every single day.
The road ahead is long, but your dedication will see us through. Back in February, you accomplished something truly amazing for Hillary, with 300,000 of you raising $35 million to fund her campaign.
You kept us competitive even as the Obama campaign outraised us by $20 million -- an advantage they will use as they best can in Pennsylvania.
Now we all face a few weeks before Pennsylvania and all the states that follow. Hillary has to build on her victories in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island. Can you help us sustain that energy over the next six weeks?
Hillary needs your help more than ever. As she proved in Ohio and Texas, where she was outspent by millions but won anyway, you can put her over the top.
So please make a contribution today to help us win in Pennsylvania.
There's no way Hillary would be in the position she is in today without your enthusiastic and dedicated support. I know it, she knows it, and we both tell everyone we know about everything you are doing to help her win.
Bill Clinton
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