Wednesday, January 30, 2008
It's the fundraising, stupid
The worst job at the circus is cleaning up after the elephants. The same goes for politics.
When George Bush gave his State of the Union on Monday, I thanked God it was his last. But the state of our union is a whole lot worse than it was when Dubya took office.
Sure, the union between Dick Cheney and Halliburton may be strong and sure the union between the oil companies and their Republican toadies in Congress may be strong. But if you're getting by without health insurance, or facing foreclosure, or worried about your job or if you have a family member in Iraq, our union ain't half as strong as it needs to be.
Democrats have only begun to clean up this mess. To finish the job we've got to expand our Senate majority beyond the razor thin 51-49 margin we've got now.
If we want to beat the GOP, we've got to help the DSCC beat them at the money game every month in 2008, starting this minute. They're only $66,431 away from their January goal. You got to step it up to get them over the hump.
Click here to make a contribution of $50, $75, or more. Make a donation by January 31, and it will be matched by a group of Democratic senators, helping your money do even more to expand our majority.
If you're a political junkie like me, I'm guessing you're paying a lot of attention to the presidential primaries right now because we all know that's the big prize to fix this mess we're in. But in all the uncertainty, one thing is certain: we will make our party's nominee our nation's next president. And when we do, they're going to need a Senate that stands with them instead of standing in their way.
By making a donation today, you can ensure that when we swear in our next president - a Democratic president - they can take that office with the knowledge that they'll have some more cavalry up there in the Capitol.
Click here to make a contribution of $50, $75, or more. Make a donation by January 31, and it will be matched by a group of Democratic senators, helping your money do even more to expand our majority.
Let's get to it,
James Carville
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I just joined the Ron Paul Revolution
Dear john o'linnean,
Thank you for signing up to receive email updates from the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign. This email is confirmation that we have received your contact information.
We depend on supporters like you to help us spread the message of freedom, peace and prosperity through Ron Paul’s candidacy. If you also indicated you are interested in volunteering, we will contact you soon with more information.
Please add this email address to your email address or contact list to ensure that you will receive future messages.
Thanks for joining the campaign!
From Politics Watch:
I just want to say that while waiting for his email to appear in my inbox, I read through some of his speeches and writings. While Dr. Paul is certainly an articulate man and well educated, I found one speech of his that troubled me. By troubled, I mean that I may personally disagree with many of his policies and such, but this one tells me why he's not my man: It was about the "war on christmas." I understand that this might be a prickly subject for the more religious of us out there, but it's interesting that someone who wants to strip down the government as much as possible also wants to keep Christmas and Christianity as a big part of the government. I honestly don't care about public institutions putting up santa clauses and snowmen in the office (being raised a christian), but I don't think that removing religious symbology from government property is as antithetical to the Founder's intent as Dr. Paul would like to think. Additionally, as I stated once in an editorial to my hometown newspaper, commercial ventures that switched from "merry xmas" to "happy holidays" are merely responding to market research that they probably won't lose any customers but might pick up new ones by making the switch. It's not about god, it's about money.
And with that, I hope to avoid any more personal interjections into this blog. Ron Paul emails will still go up as they come in.
what the hell? since when are republicans cute and furry?
Meet Maxine, the newest member of the Republican National Committee.
Embroidered with the official logo of the RNC, Maxine proudly shows off her allegiance to the Republican Party's principles of lower taxes, a strong national defense, limited government and personal responsibility.
Maxine is a wonderful plush toy available for a limited time to our most loyal supporters like you. She is sure to be snapped up quickly. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, Maxine makes a great gift for that special Republican in your life.
Matt, we'll send you Maxine today with your special contribution of at least $35.
Your contribution will immediately be put to work. The RNC is leading the way to ensure our Republican candidates have the early resources they need to build strong, effective campaigns to defeat the Democrats this November.
And for a very limited time, you can still get Max the elephant with a special contribution to the RNC. Click here to order both Maxine and Max today.
I hope you will take advantage of this special offer. Thank you for your continuing commitment to our Party and our cause this critical election year.
Best Wishes,
Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee
the real comeback kid?
Last Friday, I challenged you to help us raise $360,000 by January 31.
Here's the good news: thousands of you responded and now, with 48 hours to go, we're just $73,000 from raising more money for this campaign in one month than in any previous three month period.
That's right -- we're that close to setting this fundraising record for the campaign. Will you help us get there?
Click here to help us raise $73,000
Raising this money gives us the opportunity to expand our efforts in the next round of key states that will vote or caucus on February 5. It allows us to buy time to broadcast spots, purchase newspaper advertisements, organize public events with John Edwards and expand our phone bank calls.
That's why we appreciate so much your response to the challenge so far -- and why I'm asking you to help us raise the $73,000 that will put us over the top.
Click here to help us raise $73,000
This is still a three-person race for the Democratic nomination. We have identified the key February 5 states where we know John Edwards will have a strong showing -- and where we are going to win delegates.
Over the next 7 days, John is crisscrossing the country, taking his message of bold change into these key states. This is the message he has said he intends to carry all the way to the Democratic Convention, the nomination -- and then on to the White House.
Your continuing support means a great deal to John and to this campaign.
I know you can help us set a new campaign record between now and January 31 -- and your contribution today will make a difference for us as we head toward the important contests on February 5.
Thank you for all you do.
--Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rudy hopes to come back in FLA
Dear john,
With all the hype and the rhetoric this campaign season, it's important to remember that this campaign is about ideas. And that's why I am supporting the candidate who has a bold vision to bring people together to solve big problems.
Rudy Giuliani and I worked together in the Reagan Justice Department. And it was there I first learned of Rudy's ability to rally people around a common cause. Rudy got things done. He was a strong leader who always had an optimistic vision for the future.
Join me in Rudy's Drive2Five and tell your friends and neighbors why you support Rudy for President.
This campaign is about big ideas and the American people want someone with a proven record to turn around Washington. From his time as Associate Attorney General and helping Ronald Reagan select conservative judges, to his time as US Attorney and taking down the mob, to his time as Mayor of New York City and transforming the nation's crime capital into the safest large city in America, Rudy has always accomplished big goals.
And if the American people ever needed a President who can accomplish big goals, that time is now.
As you go to the polls, it's important to remember that our next President must be able to bring people together. Throughout his entire career, Rudy has brought people together to get things done. Often times we forget that Washington is about more than just a partisan parlor game; it's about getting results. Nobody knows more about getting results than Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy will keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us. On his first day in office he will send Congress the largest tax cut in American history. He will end illegal immigration and secure our borders, and he will appoint strict constructionist judges to the bench. I know Rudy doesn't just talk about these things; Rudy can and will get them done.
Tomorrow, the delegate rich road to the GOP nomination begins in Florida. Join me in supporting Rudy's Drive2Five and help Rudy win Florida.
On To Victory!
Theodore Olson
Former Solicitor General
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Barack update
Friend --
We've just won a big victory in South Carolina.
After four great contests in every corner of this country, and another record turnout today, we have the most votes, the most delegates, and the most diverse coalition of Americans we've seen in a long, long time.
More than 20 states will have their voices heard on February 5th, and we will need your help there, too.
I'll be heading down shortly to thank our supporters in South Carolina.
If you're reading this tonight, I hope you'll tune in at home so I can thank you, too.
John Edwards Won't Quit
From the very beginning, our campaign has been about one central thing: giving voice to millions of Americans who have absolutely no voice in our democracy.
If you are worried about your health care or, like 47 million other Americans you have no health care, your voice will be heard in this campaign.
If you're one of 37 million Americans who wake up every single day, worried about how to feed and clothe your children and living in poverty, your voice will be heard in America -- and it will be heard in this campaign and we will speak and fight for you.
If you're worried about being able to pay for your child to be able to go to college and being able to pay for tuition and books, your voice will be heard in this campaign -- and it will be heard in America.
If you're one of the forgotten middle class, working and struggling just to pay your bills, worrying every single day about what may be around the corner, we will give you a voice in this campaign.
And if you're one of the extraordinary men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States with pride and honor and served this country patriotically, and you're not getting the health care you need or deserve, your voice will be heard in this campaign. If you're one of the 200,000 veterans living in America who every night go to sleep under bridges, in shelters or on heating grates, your voice will be heard in America.
That's why this campaign moves on to February 5 and "Super Tuesday" when millions of Americans will cast their vote and help shape the future of the Democratic Party and, most importantly, help shape the future of America.
Thank you for standing with me as, together, we take this campaign to the Democratic Convention, to the nomination -- and then to the White House.
Your support as we move forward means that the voices of millions of voiceless Americans will be heard.
John Edwards
January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
telethon mike huckabee
You can do so, by logging into our new national phone bank on our campaign website. We provide you with short scripts and make the calls very easy. You will be calling real Florida voters and helping us turn out the vote.
You must be a Ranger to make calls. Joining is free. Click here to get started.
If you are already a Ranger click here to login and get started.
Gov. Huckabee plans on following up with you by email today. He is asking every supporter to take some time to make at least 5 calls. Please help us contact these voters.
Thanks for you support.
Chip Saltsman
National Campaign Manager
Friday, January 25, 2008
Mike Huckabee is talking to YOU - umpteenth post of the day
Over the weekend we will begin our voter contact program in each state and we want to make sure we have the resources to compete successfully.
Will you make an immediate contribution towards our goal today of $25 or more?
We need your financial support. We are leaving nothing to chance in Georgia and Alabama and we are working hard to win in other Super Tuesday states such as Missouri, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
Please make a contribution today!
With deep gratitude,
The Huckster and His Manager
Late yesterday afternoon we launched an online phone bank designed to give campaign supporters, no matter where you live, the ability to help identify Huckabee supporters in Florida and then turn them out to vote. Our plan is to use this same online phone bank to help us make calls into the Super Tuesday primary states as well.
Prior to votes being cast in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, hundreds of volunteers made phone calls from our campaign headquarters in each of these states. These phone calls helped us turn out our supporters and led us to victory in Iowa and a strong second place finish in South Carolina.
We believe that as we head into Florida and the Super Tuesday states, we need to build beyond our volunteer phone bank in Orlando and nationalize our voter outreach efforts. That’s where you come in… we need your help to make personal appeals to voters in Florida to ask for their support of Governor Huckabee. The online phone bank is a great, easy to use tool that we created to help us nationalize our effort. We have identified over 200,000 Florida voters we would like to contact by Sunday at 8pm.
Will you contact 10 voters on Governor Huckabee's behalf? 25 voters? 50 voters or more? To get started you must join the Rangers (free!) here. If you are already a Ranger you can login here.
We have provided short, telemarketing scripts for you to use. Each call will take no longer than 30 seconds of your time. By using our online phone bank tool you will be able to access real voter records and mark them in the database as Huckabee supporters after you contact them. These identified voters can then be easily pulled together and called again prior to the January 29 Florida primary vote, encouraging them to turn out and vote. Nationalizing this effort will give us the ability to contact more potential Huckabee voters than our Orlando phone bank is able to do.
Will you help us make calls before Sunday at 8pm? We are counting on your support.
All hands on deck. Please make at least one call today for our team. To get started you must join the Rangers (free!) here. If you are already a Ranger you can login here.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Chip Saltsman
National Campaign ManagerAND THEN:
was just catching up on some emails after the debate. I saw Chip's email going out earlier today and wanted to followup up with you personally about these calls. Please make a few, if you can, each day until Sunday. We need your help. A new Rasmussen poll has us gaining 4 points over the last three days. We are two points behind Governor Romney and closing in on Senator McCain. These calls will help expand our base of support.
As Chip said, each call takes less than 30 seconds of your time. You must be a Ranger (it's free!) to make calls, click here to sign up. And if you are already a Ranger click here to get started.
We won in Iowa because we worked and sacrificed as a team. Now more than ever we need that same level of dedication.
With deep gratitude,
Barack speaks!
Friend --
In less than 24 hours, voters in South Carolina will head to the polls.
Before they do, I wanted to show you a bit about what kind of campaign we're running here.
When Michelle and I talked about my running for president, one of the core goals we both had for this campaign was to leave the political process better off than we found it.
Here in South Carolina, a state with a history of some pretty divisive politics, ordinary people have challenged conventional thinking about the process and built a statewide organization based on local community organizing and neighbor-to-neighbor contacts.
Our supporters -- men and women of all ages, races, religions, and backgrounds -- have come together around the idea that we are one people, invested in each other and in our common future.
We've put together a few videos that will give you a sense of what we've built here -- please take a look:
In communities across this state, people who have never been involved in politics before -- or who had given up on what they saw as a broken system -- have built something special.
No matter what the outcome tomorrow, our work here will have a lasting impact on those communities and on the Democratic Party for a long time to come.
We're seeing the same story play out across the country as grassroots supporters in 22 states prepare to cast their votes or turn out to caucus on February 5th.
Remember that tomorrow night, after the votes are in from South Carolina, the playing field will expand dramatically as races in those states come into full focus.
There will be a lot happening, and the intensity will be ratcheted up.
But the spirit of the grassroots organizing we have done here -- of ordinary people taking back the political process -- will be apparent in thousands of communities across the country.
I believe more strongly than ever that this movement for change can do more than just win an election. Together, we can transform this country.
Thank you for being part of this,
P.S. -- Supporters are volunteering to travel to Minnesota and help Get Out The Vote for the February 5th caucus.
No prior experience is required, and you can have a major impact on the race for the Democratic nomination. Sign up now and be a part of this exciting and important effort:
Rudy - 2nd post of the day.
Dear john,
What an exciting time this is! All over the Sunshine State, crowds in the hundreds and thousands are packing Rudy events. It's obvious that Rudy's bold vision for the future is catching fire and inspiring Republicans across the country.
To check out Rudy's Florida momentum, please click here and visit Rudy's Florida page. There's video from Rudy's bus race around the track at Daytona, testimonials, Jon Voight and much more.
Right now, Democrats in Congress are using an economic downturn to play on fears of recession and score cheap political points. Instead of offering real solutions, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton use class warfare to divide the country.
Rudy Giuliani has a plan that will get all of America growing again. On his first day in office, Rudy will send Congress the largest tax cut in American history. Americans across all income brackets will benefit because Rudy understands what Democrats don't; you make better decisions with your money than Washington does.
Instead of laying out a clear vision for the future, Democrats, and their army of Washington bureaucrats, are trying to take us back in time. Back to a time of higher taxes. Back to a time of higher unemployment and excess regulation. With ideas like these, it's obvious that the only change Democrats want is the change from your pockets.
While Democrats pine for yesterday, Rudy is ready with an optimistic vision for tomorrow. Since the beginning of the year, we have had over 17,600 new supporters sign up to help Rudy to victory. Please forward this email on to your friends and neighbors and get them involved in Rudy's Drive2Five.
With little more than four days left until Floridians go to the polls, we need your help now more than ever and I wanted to take some time and ask you to get 5 of your friends to support the next great President of the United States, Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy will keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us. He is committed to Victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rudy will end illegal immigration and secure our borders. He will jumpstart the economy and create new jobs by cutting taxes and bureaucratic red tape. Rudy will make health care more affordable for all Americans using free-market solutions and he will appoint strict constructionist judges.
Rudy is the only Republican candidate to turn ever around an economy in crisis. He took over a city with the 17th largest economy in the world that was mired in red ink and saddled with double digit unemployment. He cut taxes and cut spending, the exact opposite of what Democrats recommend, and the city's economy boomed. Unemployment was slashed in half; businesses and jobs came back; welfare rolls shrank; and people had more money in their pockets.
Only Rudy has this Republican record. The other Republicans have the rhetoric but don't have the record to back it up.
America is history's greatest defender of liberty, but Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are playing politics as usual using a “blame America first” strategy to divide the American people and narrowly win the White House.
If that wasn't enough, Democrats and their liberal allies at The New York Times attacked Rudy in their editorial announcing their endorsements for the primary election. Last night at the debate, Rudy said he understood The Times was just lashing out the way he achieved real results. Rudy cut crime, helped people off welfare and slashed unemployment by more than half. And he did it by using the conservative Republican principles that exercisce fiscal discipline and show true compassion and love to better the lives of real people. Rudy's success was a repudiation of the failed liberal policies espoused by the New York Times that caused this great city to stagnate and kept real people in a failed cycle of dependency. To watch Rudy on why he was n't endorsed by The New York Times, please click here.
In these times the American people demand more than politics as usual, they demand proven leadership. Rudy is the only candidate who's been Tested by crisis and is Ready to lead Now.
On To Victory,
Michael DuHaime
Campaign Manager
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Inc.
P.S. Since the beginning of the year, we have had over 17,600 new supporters sign up to help Rudy to victory. Please forward this email on to your friends and neighbors and get them involved in Rudy's Drive2Five.
Edwards wants yo cash moneyz
I'm challenging you to help us set a new record for this campaign.
Here's the challenge: if we can raise $360,000 online by January 31 -- 6 days from now -- we will have raised more money for this campaign in one month than in any previous three month period.
That's right -- we're that close to setting this fundraising record for the campaign. Will you help us get there?
Click here to help us raise $360,000
All through January, you and thousands of others have made contributions to our campaign -- more than half of you for the first time. Your support has allowed us to put resources into South Carolina where John Edwards is going to win delegates. And your contributions have helped us get John's message out in key states that will go to the polls on February 5.
Raising $360,000 by January 31 is not only about setting a new campaign record. Most importantly, it will give us the opportunity to get into the next round of key states and buy time to broadcast spots, purchase newspaper advertisements, expand our door-to-door canvassing efforts and get phone banks up-and-running.
That's why I'm challenging you to help us bring in $360,000 online over the next 6 days.
Click here to help us raise $360,000
The pundits recognize this is still a three-person race for the Democratic nomination. Coming off this past Monday's presidential debate, commentator after commentator has spoken glowingly of John's performance -- and how he continues to lead with the boldest agenda for change.
This is the message John has said he intends to carry all the way to the convention, the nomination -- and then on to the White House.
This campaign could not ask for more dedicated supporters. Again and again, over the past 9 months, I have challenged you to do more and to give more: volunteering, traveling, and donating. You have always come through -- and it is your generosity that has sustained John and this campaign.
I know you can help us set a new campaign record between now and January 31 -- and that will make a difference for us as we head toward the important contests on February 5.
Thank you for all you do.
--Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
RNC email
"Dear Matt,
Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are raking in the campaign cash hand-over-fist.
They begin 2008 having raised more than $200 million combined. In the first eight days of this year, Barack Obama's campaign bragged they had raised over $8 million -- and Hillary Clinton's campaign is right there with him.
Last year, Democrat presidential contenders and Democrat party committees combined raised more than Republicans. Liberal special interests are raising hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Labor, Hollywood elites and radical protest groups like to defeat Republicans in November.
Matt, we must close the gap with the Democrats if we are to have the resources available to elect a new Republican President and Congress. Please help the RNC raise the funds we need to counter the Democrats by making a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 today.
The Democrats and their liberal special interest allies will spend and say whatever it takes to win total control of the government (Umm that's what politics is freakin' about! you had total control of the government and you blew it). They are determined to push our country to the Left.
Whoever the Democrat nominee ultimately is, we already know their vision for the future. Both Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want to:
- Implement massive tax increases that punish hard-working American families in order to pay for new government bureaucracies. (Unlike you guys, who lowered taxes for the rich, and created a new cabinet-level department, while gutting regulatory industries that are supposed to keep our food and drugs safe)
- Give government instead of patients and doctors more power and control over health care; and,
- Retreat from the War on Terror and cut off funding for our men and women in uniform (Jesus, we want to give the TROOPS what they need, but I'm assuming your side lumps troop supplies in with operational costs, therefore making it harder to fund the troops while still ending the war. otherwise, by now this would be a moot point).
We cannot allow a return of the high taxes, big government, weakened national security style of governing that Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama embody.
The RNC must raise the funds now to support our eventual nominee if we are to compete with the Clinton/Obama/liberal special interest money machine. That's why today I'm turning to our Party's top supporters once again.
Electing Republicans committed to our principles of lower taxes, a strong national defense and less government begins with you, Matt. Please make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to support the RNC's efforts today.
Your immediate support is crucial to countering the Democrat money machine and keeping our campaign programs on track. Thank you.Best Wishes,
Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee
P.S. Matt, Democrats and left-wing special interest groups are raising hundreds of millions of dollars to put a liberal like Senator Clinton or Barack Obama in the White House and expand their majorities in Congress. Please make an urgent online campaign contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to the RNC today to keep our Party on the path to nationwide victories. Thank you. (You already asked me to do this like, twice...?)
Michelle Obama steps in
Friend --
In the past week or two, another candidate's spouse has been getting an awful lot of attention.
We knew getting into this race that Barack would be competing with Senator Clinton and President Clinton at the same time.
We expected that Bill Clinton would tout his record from the nineties and talk about Hillary's role in his past success. That's a fair approach and a challenge we are prepared to face.
What we didn't expect, at least not from our fellow Democrats, are the win-at-all-costs tactics we've seen recently. We didn't expect misleading accusations that willfully distort Barack's record.
Barack Obama isn't relying on a former President of the United States to campaign for him.
He's relying on us -- you, me, and hundreds of thousands of people like us who are giving whatever they can afford to support this movement.
Please stand up in the face of these new attacks. Make your first online donation of $50 today and own a piece of this campaign:
Barack's unwavering opposition to the war in Iraq, his outspoken support of women's rights, and his call for leadership that will transform our party and our country have all been mischaracterized in the past two weeks.
We've seen disingenuous attacks and smear tactics turn people off from the political process for too long, and enough is enough.
It's time for a change. It's time for a new kind of leadership and a new kind of politics in our party and in our country.
And while Senator Clinton has a former president in her corner, I'll put my faith in a movement of a whole lot of people who are ready for change.
South Carolina votes in 48 hours, and more than 20 states will make their voices heard in less than two weeks on February 5th. Now is the time for all of us to step up and take personal responsibility for making change happen.
Please make your first online donation of $50 now:
Thank you,
Edwards' New Ad
Dear Matt,
I'm contacting you with an urgent request. If we can raise $65,000 today, we can get a great campaign spot featuring John on the air in South Carolina for the last 24 hours before the primary this Saturday.
Can you make a contribution today to help us broadcast this spot in South Carolina tomorrow?
Click here to see the spot and make a contribution
We're going to win delegates for John Edwards this Saturday in South Carolina -- and that's why we're expanding our boots on the ground efforts over the next two days. We have hundreds of field staff and volunteers canvassing door-to-door. And phone banks underway across the state.
And getting this spot on the air tomorrow will help us reach hundreds of thousands of voters across the state as they make up their minds.
It's going to take $65,000 to make that happen: can you help us meet that target today?
Click here to see the spot and make a contribution
John is currently campaigning across the rural areas of South Carolina, drawing large crowds as he talks about his economic recovery plan for rural America. While one of the other candidates has already left the state, John is taking his message directly to primary voters.
Your contribution today will allow his message of change to reach voters in all areas of the state. You can make a difference by helping us get this spot on the air.
Thanks for your support. I'll let you know how we do!
--Jonathan Prince
Deputy Campaign Manager, John Edwards for President
January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rudy Still Ready to Win
Dear john,
From day one, the liberal media has criticized my strategy of focusing on delegate rich states like Florida. An unprecedented primary calendar called for an unconventional strategy. And it has paid off in a big way.
We are tied at the top in Florida polls, but ultimately this race is about more than rhetoric and flashy campaign ads. I'm running for President because I believe I have the best ideas and boldest vision to lead this country forward. I will get this economy growing again and put people back to work and I will keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us.
With the volatility in the stock markets leaving millions of Americans uncertain about the future, it's important that our next President have experience in turning around an economy in peril and putting people back to work. In New York, I was chief executive of the 17th largest economy in the world, cut taxes 23 times and cut a 10% unemployment rate in half.
I am the strongest fiscal conservative in the Republican field with a proven record of getting results - and I can't wait to transform Washington.
On day one as President, I will send Congress the largest tax cut in American history to revitalize our economy. I will cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% to jumpstart economic growth and get people back to work. I have the most comprehensive plan to get our country back on track. But don't just take my word for it; see what groups like the Club for Growth & Americans for Tax Reform are saying:
- Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist: Giuliani's Tax Cut Is “The Largest In History.” Americans For Tax Reform, “Rudy Giuliani Tax Cut Plan,” Press Release, 1/9/08.
- “According To One Economic Expert I Talked To: ‘[Giuliani's] Plan Would Be Huge. It Would Be 4% Of GDP. By Comparison, GWB Tax Cut Was 1.3% Of GDP. Reagan's Was 1.9% Of GDP.'” - Matt Lewis,
- Giuliani's Tax Plan “Would Be The Largest Tax Cut In The History Of The American Republic. Actually, Of Any Republic--Ours, Rome's, Greece's. Just Huge...” James Pethokoukis, “Giuliani's Shock-and-Awe Tax Plan,” U.S. News & World Report's
To read more about my comprehensive plan to turn around the economy, please click here.
Six days from today, the first real delegate prize of the primary season will be awarded in Florida. The polls show a three-way dead heat and that means I need your help to finish strong. Please forward this email on to your friends and neighbors and get them involved in my Drive2Five.
If you want a President with a bold vision to turn around this economy and keep us safe, and someone with the proven record to get things done, I'm asking for your support.
On To Victory!
Rudy Giuliani
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
the legacy remembered,
the message that should not be forgotten
The homage that Americans pay today to the inspiring life and lasting legacy of Dr. King is a fitting tribute to this leader who spoke so eloquently of peace, of social justice, and of equal rights under the law and under the moral covenant that established and guides this great nation. But, as we survey the grim realities of today, across this country and around the world, that rightful homage also has the somber ring of a faint and distant eulogy for a man and a message from another time.
That other time that we remember and honor was then. But, more than ever, it is also now.
In his speech at Riverside Church in New York City, on April 4, 1967, Dr. King spoke of one war that was destroying the aspirations of the people of two nations - the people of the United States and the people of Vietnam.
The Vietnam War resulted in the deaths of 4 million Vietnamese civilians in a nation of about 40 million - 10% of the total population of Vietnam. Americans lost 58,202 soldiers in that war. And in hard, cold numbers, the Vietnam War cost the United States the equivalent of $662 billion in today's dollars.
So far, today, this no-end-in-sight war against Iraq has resulted in the deaths of more than 1 million innocent Iraqis in a nation of 25 million. Four thousand of our best and bravest have died, and nearly 29,000 have been wounded. In hard, cold numbers, the Iraq War will cost the United States more than $2 trillion.
What would Dr. King say today? What would his message be to the President, to the U.S. Congress, and to the American people? It would be, I deeply believe, the same as it was more than 30 years ago: Iraq is a war that is destroying the aspirations of the people of two nations - the people of the United States and the people of Iraq.
And, it was only two years ago that the leadership of the Democratic Party, without invoking Dr. King but aligning itself with the powerful principles that he espoused, promised an end to the abuse of political power and an end to the war that was devastating the people of two nations. And Americans, believing that promise that we would “be free at last” from the policies that morally and economically enslaved this nation and unrepentantly took control of another, elected a new Democratic leadership in the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate.
Tragically, in the two years since, nothing has changed. The policies of this President persist and prevail. The Congress yields and subjugates itself time and time again. And the powerful, righteous, and universal message of Dr. King has been forgotten.
Dr. King's concluding remarks in his Riverside Church speech called for an end to the disintegration of humanity brought about by war: "Somehow this madness must end," he implored.
It is not in our power to bring Dr. King back, but it is within our power to resurrect his spirit in our daily lives and in the policies of the government that we elect to represent and lead us. He demonstrated throughout his entire life that social and economic justice are achieved not through compromising what we believe, but rather, committing to what we believe – whatever the odds.
In this crucial year for the future of our nation and the future of our world, today is the day to remember Dr. King's words, embrace his spirit, and fortify ourselves with the message that he left for us.
It is time, once again, to ask what we can do to forge ahead – in our votes, in our support, and in everything we do -- to reach that place where his words, his strength, and his optimism become more than a legacy. They become the policy and mission of this nation: "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last."
Dennis Kucinich"
Second post!
"Dear Matt,
I just finished talking with John -- and he's committed to going all the way to the Democratic Convention, taking the nomination and then on to the White House.
We're going to win delegates in South Carolina -- and we're going to win delegates in other critical states on February 5. And with John McCain emerging as the likely nominee for the Republicans, it's becoming clear there is only one Democratic candidate who can win against him in November -- and that is John Edwards.
Poll after poll shows it is John Edwards who can beat any of the Republican candidates in the general election. Now is the time when John Edwards needs your support the most.
That's why I'm making a special appeal for a contribution to help keep John and this campaign fighting for the boldest agenda of change of any candidate.
Click here to make a contribution now
Your support allows us to expand the broadcast of our campaign spots in those states where we know we can win delegates on February 5, put additional phone banks into place for South Carolina this week and move field staff into the next round of contests.
Click here to make a contribution now
Over the past two weeks, thousands of you have responded with contributions -- and your support has truly sustained this campaign. Many of you have given for the very first time to John Edwards in the past two weeks.
Can you do it again for John and for our campaign? Can you give us another contribution and help keep us competitive to the convention? John is committed to this fight -- together, we can win!
Thanks for all you do.
Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
January 22, 2008
P.S. I hope you had a chance to watch last night's debate on CNN. Here's a moment from that debate you need to see:"
First Post!
Anyways, The purpose of this blog is to post campaign update emails from all of the candidates running for the office of president from the Republican or Democratic Party. If Bloomberg runs, I'm sure we'll have space.
For the first political email, I give you John Kerry's endorsement letter of Barack Obama. Read it, taste it, revel in it.
"I support Barack Obama because he doesn't seek to perfect the politics of Swiftboating -- he seeks to end it.
This is personal for me, and for a whole lot of Americans who lived through the 2004 election.
As a veteran, it disgusts me that the Swift Boats we loved while we were in uniform on the Mekong Delta have been rendered, in Karl Rove's twisted politics, an ugly verb meaning to lie about someone's character just to win an election. But as someone who cares about winning this election and changing the country I love, I know it's not enough to complain about a past we can't change when our challenge is to win the future -- which is why we must stop the Swiftboating, stop the push-polling, stop the front groups, and stop the email chain smears.
The truth matters, but how you fight the lies matters even more. We must be determined never again to lose any election to a lie.
This year, the attacks are already starting. Some of you may have heard about the disgusting lies about Barack Obama that are being circulated by email. These attacks smear Barack's Christian faith and deep patriotism, and they distort his record of more than two decades of public service. They are nothing short of "Swiftboat" style anonymous attacks.
These are the same tactics the right has used again and again, and as we've learned, these attacks, no matter how bogus, can spread and take root if they go unchecked.
But not this time -- we're fighting back.
And when I say "we," I mean that literally. I know Barack is committed to fighting every smear every time. He'll fight hard and stand up for the truth. But he can't do it alone.
We need you to email the truth to your address books. Print it out and post it at work. Talk to your neighbors. Call your local radio station. Write a letter to the editor. If lies can be spread virally, let's prove to the cynics that the truth can be every bit as persuasive as it is powerful.
The Obama campaign has created a place where you can find the truth you'll need to push back on these smears and a way to spread the truth to all of your address book.
Take action here:
So when your inbox fills up with trash and the emails of smear and fear, find the facts, and help defeat the lies.
Barack Obama is committed to bringing our country together to meet the challenges we face, but he knows that power gives up nothing without a struggle -- and to win the chance to change America, we must first defeat the hateful tactics that have been used to tear us apart for too long.
With your help, we can turn the page on an era of small, divisive politics -- but only if next time you hear these attacks on Barack, you take action immediately:
The fight is just heating up -- we won't let them steal this election with lies and distortions.
Thank you,
John Kerry"
As the Afghani black humorists of "The Kite Runner" would say, wah-wah.